Open the Gift!
Tue, Apr 25
Reconnecting to unconditional love!

Time & Location
Apr 25, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
About the Event
Unconditional love is the divine expression of our true nature. It is the unhindered flow of our eternal, boundless self which connects us to ALL that is.
I've experienced putting conditions on love: believing others owe me, withholding love, requiring love to look and/or sound a certain way. In those moments, I threw love out like junk. Truth be told, I spent time looking for the very thing I threw away only to return to myself for the answer.  We are love! All beings desire wholeness; fully expressing their creative power and true essence. Yet the paradoxes and dualities we experience around us all the time can be very confusing. We want to love and be loved, but we feel we have to do so many things, meet so many conditions, before we can rest in love. With everyone trying to meet all their conditions for happiness, we have times when others irritate or anger us, and we feel thwarted by the many energies that we see as beyond our control. Many times, the conditions created are like boxes which contain aspects of our true selves we've lock away along life’s journey.
This guided visualization is designed to support you in gently opening and reconnecting to some aspect of your true self that has been closed up.
*Welcome & get grounded.
*Guided visualization.
*Share, debrief & Dismissal
Things to know:
* Have fun.
* Relax and allow the experience to come to you.
* This is a closed eye process.
* This experience involves moving your hands/arms if able.
* Create privacy.
* Chair, sofa, or floor required.
* The 90 minutes provides extra time for discussion/reflection.
Open the Gift
For your records!
Pay what you wantSale ended