My Ideal Life
sáb, 05 oct
|Your Quiet Place
Clearly express in writing what you see and how you feel about the life you're committed to experiencing! This will serve as the blueprint for the life you’re creating. You can measure your results against what you say matters and make adjustments!

Time & Location
05 oct 2019, 11:00 – 11:45
Your Quiet Place
About the Event
This facilitated experience offers:
- A pre-event journal assignment (Time required to complete: 30 minutes suggested)
- 60 minute facilitated Zoom video call (end time is determined by the level of participant interaction)
- Support you in fine tuning your narrative
- Respond to your questions
Here's the assignment:
My Ideal Life is a free writing assignment which is written in the present tense-as if it is occurring right now. Use the sample below as a framework. Capture what you see with your heart. Have a copy during the call so you can make adjustments if needed. Be sure to include the following:
- What I am doing.
- Where I am.
- How I feel.
- Who's sharing the expereince.
"Each moring I awaken feeling content with life. I spend my days using my gifts to serve youth. I feel inspired by the numerous opportunities to learn new things, meet new people and travel the world. My life is enriched by the loving moments spent with my family and friends. I warmly embrace all challenges seeking the lessons embedded in each. I easily forgive myself for being hard on myself and others. I am open and available to receive feedback and release all notions of lack. I close my day with gratitude for the day."
My Ideal Life!
Call info: Topic: My Ideal Life Time: Oct 5, 2019 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +19292056099,,3562710849# US (New York) +16699006833,,3562710849# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 356 271 0849 Find your local number:
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